
Http404TestView & Http500TestView

Warning: These views are deprecated. Use the RapidPrototypingView instead.

Simple template views that use the 404.html and 500.html template. Just create this template in your project’s templates` folder and add the views to your

from django_libs.views import Http404TestView, Http500TestView
urlpatterns += patterns(
    url(r'^404/$', Http404TestView.as_view()),
    url(r'^500/$', Http500TestView.as_view()),


You often need to display a different home page for authenticated users. For example Facebook shows a login page when you visit their site but when you are logged in it shows your stream under the same URL.

This HybridView does the same thing. Here is how you use it in your

from django_libs.views import HybridView
from myapp.views import View1
from myapp2.views import func_based_view

authed_view = View1.as_view(template_name='foo.html')
anonymous_view = func_based_view
anonymous_view_kwargs = {'template_name': 'bar.html', }

urlpatterns += patterns(
            authed_view=authed_view, anonymous_view=anonymous_view,


Provides a simple solution to display comments from the Django comment framework for any object. It’s paginated and because it uses ajax, there’s no need to reload the page every time you want to change a page.

Hook up the view in your urls::

from django_libs.views import PaginatedCommentAJAXView

urlpatterns += patterns(
    url(r'^comments/$', PaginatedCommentAJAXView.as_view(),

Add the comment scripts. E.g. in your base.html do::

{% load static %}

<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "django_libs/js/comments.js" %}"></script>

Add the markup to the template, that contains the object, you want to display comments for::

<div data-id="ajaxComments" data-ctype="mymodel" data-object-pk="{{ }}" data-comments-url="{% url "libs_comment_ajax" %}"></div>
  • data-id=ajaxComments indicates to the scripts, that inside this div is where to render the comment list template.
  • data-ctype is the content type name of the object. E.g. ‘user’ for auth.User.
  • data-object-pk is most obiously the object’s primary key.
  • data-comments-url is the url you’ve hooked up the view.

To customize the template take a look at django_libs/templates/django_libs/partials/ajax_comments.html.

Also you can choose the amount of comments per page via the setting COMMENTS_PAGINATE_BY::

COMMENTS_PAGINATE_BY = 10  # default

There you go. All done.


This view allows you to render any template even when there is no URL hooked up and no view implemented. This allows your designers to quickly start writing HTML templates even before your developers have created views for those templates.

In order to use this view, hook it up in your

from django_libs.views import RapidPrototypingView
urlpatterns += patterns(

Now you can call any template by adding it’s path to the URL of the view:


Check out the load_context templatetag which allos you to create fake context variables for your template.


This view allows you to update any session variables in an AJAX post.

In order to use this view, hook it up in your

from django_libs.views import UpdateSessionAJAXView
urlpatterns += patterns(
    url(r'^update-session/$', UpdateSessionAJAXView.as_view(),

Now you can call it by using session_name and session_value:

<script src="{% static "django_libs/js/getcookie.js" %}"></script>
    var data = [
        {name: 'csrfmiddlewaretoken', value: getCookie('csrftoken')}
        ,{name: 'session_name', value: 'foo'}
        ,{name: 'session_value', value: 'bar'}